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The CULTA Blog


two girls sitting by lake

How to Help a Friend Who smoked too much

Someone who gets too high may experience anxiety, paranoia, and other unpleasant symptoms. If you’re ever with a friend who gets too high, here’s how you can help.

Cookies Founder Berner Talks Drop #10 With CULTA

This interview was originally published in September 2020. For Cookies drop #10, our marketing guy Renier Fee decided to bring it full circle and ...
cookies social impact

Interview with Amanda Friedman, Social Impact Manager at Cookies

In anticipation of our 16th Cookies drop, we sat down with Amanda Friedman, the Social Impact Manager at Cookies, to learn more about their social and equity initiatives.

El fundador de Cookies, Berner, habla sobre el décimo lanzamiento con CULTA

Esta entrevista se publicó inicialmente en septiembre de 2020.
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Cookies, la marca líder de cannabis, ahora disponible en CULTA

CULTA se enorgullece de anunciar que será el primer vendedorde la Costa Este en ofrecer productos de cannabis de Cookies.
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Leading Cannabis Brand Cookies Now Available Through CULTA

CULTA is proud to announce that it will be the first East Coast retailer to offer Cookies' cannabis products.